
EWS Certificate 3 year sudhi manya raheva babat no latest paripatra.

1. For the benefit of EWS reserves under the Government of Gujarat, the “Certificate of Eligibility for Financially Weak Classes” (EWS) must be valid for three years from the date of issue. 2) This certificate shall be valid for the applicant's family within a period of three years from the date of issue. If there is a change in the applicant, the applicant will have to make a voluntary confession with the competent authority to issue the certificate. EWS) Eligibility Certificate "Revised Application Form for Acquisition, as per Annexure-A and Certification The revised sample shall be as per Annexure-I. 4. This provision is for the benefit of EWS reserve only under the Government of Gujarat. Will only apply for "Eligibility certificate for economically weaker classes (EWS)". For the benefit of EWS reserve under the Government of India, the beneficiary is taken under No.1 (5). The validity of the Income and Asset ertificate "as determined by the resolution of 9/1/9" will continue as per the current provision of only one financial year.


. As long as the nature of the human being in the present, the change of nature cannot be cured. Therefore, the divine solution to human suffering can be solved only if it is made divine. During the sadhana, it was found that the full-consciousness of the Supreme Being above the mind, if the consciousness was acting only in the human mind and body, then the causes of this lower nature could assume the divine nature. Yogis have named the dream Purnayog as the dream for it. O yoga has the power to transform human nature into divinity through the full power of the Lord. And that is why this yoga is the most new yoga on earth. This is about those who obey the rays of dawn - about this. And in the small mind, this lock has been obeyed and rejected by all the devotees. 1 In life - have also deserted and he has said; 'Before this yoga was not practiced, all efforts made were like preparation. Even if one has tried it, its tradition is not maintained. It may have been lost in the stream of time. In the ancient yoga paths, after the realization of direct transcendence, the world is left as a myth, while the full-fledged world, not the myth, but also the supremacy of God, has to activate by revealing what is currently hidden in life and in the universe. The purpose of Yogi Yoga is to make it clear that my goal is to "bring the realization and revelation of the Lord into this world and to bring down a still-invisible force like Atimaas here for that purpose." 'Next they say that in life, bring divine bliss, divine nature and divine power. Activating them and transforming life. That is the purpose of my yoga.

 There are four main features of completion. Acceptance of life means whole life is Yoga. The second transformation, the third ascension and quotation, and the sum of the fourth sum. This poem is the pursuit of making life divine. It is the process of making life complete. Thus it accepts every aspect of life. Yogi says, "We do not want to give up anything in the world in this yoga. All things in politics, industry, society, poetry, literature, art, etc. will remain forever, but we have to give that thing a new soul, a new form. It shows three stages. The first charismatic transformation in which our nature comes under the direct influence of the Lord after the self-revelation, and the second spiritual transformation in which the individual's consciousness becomes in equilibrium with the universal consciousness. Her distinct personality disappears, and the third the inhuman transformation. In which all things are supernaturally transformed within the Divine Scientific Consciousness. Only when this last state is achieved does the complete transformation of the mind, soul and body begin. 

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